Pataniscas de Bacalhau |
Now RECIPE in English, Spanish and Japanese
Pataniscas de Bacalhau *, it´s the name for a Traditional Portuguese dish originally from the region of Estremadura.
The Pataniscas, consist of pieces of shredded “Bacalhau” (Codfish) previously coated in a wheat flour batter, and a mix of other ingredients as onion, seasoned with salt, pepper and parsley, etc., and then fried in vegetable or oilve oil. They can be served with a salad as light meal or be eaten as a “petisco” (appetizer) or my favorite with “Arroz de Feijão Vermelho” (Red Beans Rice) and a salad.
* Please note that the mentioned Bacalhau (Codfish) is dried and salty which has to be desalted before using it. For desalting method, please see below
Boiled "Bacalhau" |
Let me share with you my way of preparing this easy and delicious recipe.
You can choose from, English, Spanish and Japanese
“Pataniscas de Bacalhau”
Ingredients: 15 to 20 pieces
- 1 big piece of “Bacalhau” ( + 500g) (codfish salted and dry, desalted), boiled
- Juice of ½ lemon
- Milk
- 60g flour
- 1 egg
- 1 small onion, chopped
- 1 TBSP olive oil
- 1 Parsley, small bunch
- 2 garlic cloves, fine chopped
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Vegetable oil or olive oil to fry
1. Boil the “Bacalhau”, clean from bones and skin and shredded it into small pieces. Drizzle with the lemon juice, cover with milk and let it rest from 1 to 2 hours.
2. In a separate bowl, blend in the flour, egg, chopped onion, the tablespoon of olive oil and part of the parsley. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
3. Drain the shredded “bacalhau” and mix into the flour mix above. Add a little bit of liquid from the marinade and stir until you get a smooth texture.
4. Deep fry table-spoons of this mix of batter and “Bacalhau” in a very hot vegetable oil or olive oil.
5. Remove with a slotted spoon, and dry on papper towels to remove any excess oil it might have. Serve hot.
6. Optional: serve with salad, rice, as it is or with any side dish of your choice
- 1 pieza grande de bacalao cocido ( más o menos 500g)
- Zumo de medio limón
- Leche
- 60 g. de harina
- 1 huevo
- 1 cebolla pequeña, picada
- 1 Cucharada sopera de aceite de oliva
- 1 manojo de perejil, picado
- 2 dientes de ajo picados
- Sal, pimienta
- Aceite para freír (de girasol o de oliva)
Pastelitos de Bacalao
Pataniscas de Bacalhau
Ingredientes: 15 a 20 unidades
1. Cocer el bacalao, quitar la piel y las espinas y desmenuzarlo. Regar con el zumo de limón y cubrir con leche. Dejar reposar entre 1 - 2 horas.
2. En un cuenco, mezclar la harina con el huevo y la cebolla , la cuchara de aceite de oliva y parte del perejil picado. Añadir sal y pimenta al gusto.
3. Escurrir el bacalao y pasar por la pasta anterior. Añadir un poco de la leche utilizada para marinar, para que adquiera una textura cremosa.
4. Freir cucharadas de esta pasta en aceite muy caliente. Retirar con una espumadera.
5. Escurrir sobre papel absorbente y servir decorando con el perejil restante.
Pataniscas de Bacalhau
材料: 15 ~ 20 個
- ゆでた鱈(大)1切れ
- レモン汁 中 1個分
- 牛乳
- 小麦粉60g
- 卵1 個
- 玉ねぎ 小1 個 みじん切り
- オリーブ油 小さじ1
- イタリアンパセリ 1 束
- にんにく2 個 みじん切り
- 塩・こしょう
- フライ用の油
1. 鱈をゆでる。皮と小骨をとりのぞき、裂く。レモン汁にくぐらせ、牛乳に浸す。そのまま 1 ~ 2 時間。
2. ボウルに小麦粉と卵を入れて混ぜ、玉ねぎのみじん切りとイタリアンパセリも一部入れる。好みにより塩とこしょうも加える。
3. 鱈の水気を切り、2に加える。クリーミーな風合いを加えるため、鱈を浸していた牛乳も少し入れる。
4. オリーブ油を熱し、3を入れて揚げる。
5. 紙にのせて油を切り、残りのパセリを飾ってお皿にのせる。
6. オプション: サラダを添えていただく。
* Desalting "Bacalhau"Regular desalting:
Wash the pieces of Bacalhau (codfish) in cold water to remove the first layer of salt, immerse them in cold water for a period of 36 ~40 hours (for thick pieces) changing the water every 8 hours. After this period the Bacalhau (codfish) might be ready and its thickness will be about the double of the initial one. It´s then ready to be used or can saved for later use by wrapping it very well and freezing it.For a quick desalting:
Wash the pieces of Bacalhau (codfish) in cold water to remove the first layer of salt, bring a pan of milk to a boil, add the Bacalhau and boil it. Drain it and its then ready to be used.Note: When cooking using Bacalhau (Codfish), despite the desalting method used, it’s better to add salt just at the end.
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