Thursday, July 5, 2012


These Delicious Filhós, I grew up with, were always at our Christmas table and Carnival.
Because they are served hot, there´s  a tendency to prepare them just during the cold season. I like them all year round, besides, they are funny to prepare specially with the family because everybody can participate so;

Don´t be fooled by these small “Filhós” just because they are fried. The very light dough and hot oil will make them absolutely light and soft. You don´t even notice any traces of oil because it barely has. 

Follow the steps below and the little fritters will surprise and delight you at every bite.  Next time, you may want to double the recipe!


  • 500g   flour
  • 50g     fresh yeast (if using dry yeast, reduce  the weight by half)
  • 2 ~3    eggs (medium)
  • 0,5l     water (lukewarm)

  • sugar  and cinnamon
  • vegetable oil

Preparing the ingredients, weighting the fresh yeast

1.    Put the flour in a big bowl.

2.    With your hands, rub the yeast with the flour.

3.    Add the water and mix very well with your hand. It should be a very wet dough.

4.    Mix in the eggs one by one and with your hand totally open beat the dough very well until you can see air bubble being formed.  It may take up to 10 ~12 minutes.
Beat very well BY HAND (you may get tired, but the more you beat the better it turns)

5.    Cover the bowl with a clean tea towel and let it rest for 01:15H.
It should look like this after being beaten

1 hour ~ 1:15H later it looks like this

6.    By that time, heat the vegetable oil in a deep container until very hot.

7.    With the help of 2 tablespoons, drop one by one full tablespoon of the dough into the frying pan and let them fry until golden brown all over.  Don´t over crowd the pan or they don´t have space to turn by themselves. If by instance they doesn´t turn by themselves, use a fork and turn them over in order to fry both sides. If the oil is really hot and the dough very light it should turn over by itself.
Frying the "Filhós" with vegetable oil

8.    Meanwhile, prepare a plate with granulated sugar and cinnamon and mix very well. Reserve

9.    When the first batch is fried, remove to a rack and finally transfer to the plate where the sugar and cinnamon is already prepared and roll the “filhós” to coat them very well.  This step should be performed batch after batch. Don´t wait until you fry them all because the sugar mix doesn´t stick to it very well if cold.
Mix of sugar and cinnamon

10. I recommend START EATING while they are hot/warm, I personally don´t like them cold since the sugar starts turning into a syrup as the time goes by.