Thursday, May 31, 2012

Chocolate Cake - Coca de Chocolate

Isn´t that good when we can indulge in some chocolate cake without being worried with those little “evil” things called calories? This Delicious and Light Cake has it all, nice flavor, moist texture and it´s so light that you can feel the pleasure at every bit.
Give it a try and please let me know your opinion. Send me your pictures and I will be glad to post them at my FB page

No es maravilloso cuando uno puede disfrutar de un maravilloso trozo de tarta sin estar preocupado con esas “diabólicas” criaturas llamadas calorías? Esta maravillosa coca de chocolate tienen todo que le que nos puede gustar, un maravilloso sabor, una textura húmeda e es tan ligero que uno puede sentir un enorme placer en cada trocito.

Pruebe hacerla  y diga-me su opinión. Envíeme sus fotos que tendré todo el placer en colgarlas en mi pagina FB.

RECIPE  ( English - Castellano)

  • 250g             Dried Prunes, cut lengthways
  • 4 TBSP                    Brandy/Cognac
  • 25g              Cocoa powder
  • 100g             Chocolate, 55% and up, pieces
  • 50g              Butter
  • 175g             Sugar
  • 4                  Egg whites
  • 85g              Flour
  • 1 Tsp            Cinnamon
  • 1 Tsp            Baking powder
  • 1.5 dl           Boiling water
  • Optional:     Chantilly
  1. Preheat oven to 190ºC / 375ºF .  Butter a rectangular pan and line it with baking paper.
  2. Cut the prunes lengthways and soak them in Brandy. At least 30 minutes.
  3. Put the cocoa, chocolate pieces, butter, 140g of sugar and 1 dl hot water in a pan and stir it well. Heat until smooth. Set aside to cool down slightly.
  4. Whisk egg whites and after a while add the remaining sugar.
  5. Add the egg whites to the chocolate mixture and fold until combined.
  6. Sift the flour and cinnamon together and gently fold in with a metallic spoon.
  7. Put mixture into the pan and arrange prunes over the top. Drizzle with remaining brandy if any.
  8. Bake for 20 minutes, check with a toothpick and look for a firm texture but still wet.
  9. Remove from the pan. Let it cool down and cut in pieces
  10. Serve with Chantilly if desired.
Nutritional Value: 210 calories per serving (Chantilly included) (serves 12 ~14)



  • 250g                       Ciruelos deshidratados y sin hueso, cortados in trozos
  • 5 a 6 cucharas sopa Brandy (Cognac, Ron o Whisky)
  • 25g                        Chocolate en polvo
  • 100g                       Chocolate en barra cortado en trozos pequeños
  • 50g                        Mantequilla, sin sal
  • 175g                       Azúcar
  • 4                            Claras de huevo
  • 85g                        Harina de pastelero
  • 1 cucharada te       Levadura en polvo
  • 1 cuchara te           Canela
  • 1.5 dl                     Agua caliente
  • Opcional:               Chantilly para decorar
  1. Cortar los ciruelos en trozos y añadir el alcohol. Reservar pelo menos 1 hora o preparar en la noche anterior.
  2. Calentar el horno para 200ºF.  Preparar un molde rectangular con mantequilla y forrar con papel vegetal.
  3. En una cazuela poner el chocolate en polvo, chocolate en piezas, mantequilla, ¾ del azúcar 1,5 dl de agua caliente. Levar al fuego hasta que todo se derrita y quede una crema.
  4. Montar las claras a punto de nieve y añadir el restante azúcar seguir montando por mas unos minutos para incorporar todo el azúcar y para que se espese.  
  5. Juntar las claras a la mezcla de chocolate  y envolver bien pero con cuidado para que las claras no pierdan so volumen.
  6. Por fin añadir la harina y la canela previamente mezcladas e incorporar al preparado anterior con mucho cuidado.
  7. Vasar la mezcla en el molde, distribuir los ciruelos por en cima  dejando que el  brandy restante caiga sobre la mezcla.
  8. Llevar al horno durante 25 a 30 minutos o hasta que este firme pero sin pasarse demasiado.
  9. Retirar del molde y dejar que se enfríe sobre una reja.
  10. Cortar en trozos y servir con chantilly o salsa de chocolate.
Valor Nutricional:  210 Calorías por porción, con chantilly (sirve 12 a 14)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Cherries Tart

Just a few ingredients, no special tools or skills and the result is a very Delicious Tart!

Cherries are in season although their prices are still very high in some places. I was fortunate to be given a lot of them but, if you have a chance to make this Delicious and Easy Tart give it a try.
            You can also use this recipe for another fruit tart, just make sure the pieces are not too big or  otherwise precook them before using for the tart. This away the batter will not be over baked.

I recommend using a shallow ceramic dish for this Tart; however, you can also make it with a spring form. Grease the mold, line it with waxing or baking paper lightly greased, and finally, cover the external  bottom and about 2 fingers high of the sides  with aluminiun paper to avoid some leakage that might occur if the mold is somehow loose.
Pitted Cherries

·         500g                 Cherries, fresh and pitted
·         1 cup                flour
·         2                      eggs
·         1 ¼  cup           milk
·         1/8 cup             fine sugar
·         ½ Tsp               vanilla extract
·         A pinch of Salt
·         Powder sugar for dusting
No crust just batter and cherries

Preheat the oven to 375ºF
1.       Put the flour in a bowl, add the salt and sugar.
2.       Add 2 eggs and stir to mix.
3.       Pour in the milk little by little mixing well until creamy. The texture will be a batter like.
4.       Spread the pitted Cherries over the bottom of a greased baking dish (preferentially a shallow ceramic one)
5.       Carefully, pour the batter over the cherries. Take the baking dish to the oven and bake for about 1 hour to 1 ¼ H or until it has a golden color. If using a metallic mold it may take less time so, check it after 45 minutes.
Just out of the oven (baked with a spring form)

Feel free to use anither kind of fruits, just make sure their size is not too big or otherwise, precook them before baking, this way the batter will not be over baked.